All Doulton drinking water systems are fitted with genuine Doulton ceramic candles. The last two letters (UC) stand for Ultracarb filtration element.
Click on the link next to the product for more details / purchase.
CP100UC Doulton Ultracarb ceramic water filter $135.96 |
CPF100 (NEW!!!) The Doulton Filtadapt is a contemporary counter top drinking water filter system with a 360° swivel spout. The modern design of this system requires minimal counter space with no power or plumbing required since system connection is through a faucet via diverter valve. $149.00

CS100UC Stainless steel countertop water filter with Doulton Ultracarb ceramic candle. $249.95
CP200UC+ Dual housing countertop filter.
Includes Ultracarb 4-stage filter technology plus your choice of a specialty cartridge.
GSS Series Portable gravity fed water filters. Made from high quality stainless steel. Telescopes for easy transport, it is
lightweight, durable and easy to clean. Supplied for complete
use including: two SuperSterasyl self-sterilizing ceramic
elements and tap. GSS2 $179.00, GSS2-IMP $219.00.
GSS-Mini Personal Emergency Gravity (drip) Water Filter. They are compact, only 10 inches in height, light weight and durable made of surgical grade 316L stainless steel.
Which of these Doulton countertop water filters will…
CP100UC |
CPF100 |
CS100UC |
CP200UC+ |
GSS-Mini-A |
Remove turbidity from my drinking water? |
Solve my common taste and odor problems, like those of chlorine and sulfur? |
Reduces dissolved lead below EPA standards? |
with ATC selected |
Reduces particulate lead below 1/2 micron absolute ANSI standard? |
Removes 100% of parasitic cysts, such as Giardia, Entamoeba and Cryptosporidium? |
Reduces particulates like rust, dirt, oxidized iron and asbestos? |
Removes pathogenic bacteria such as fecal, cholerae, salmonella etc. >99.99%? |
Exceeds NSF/EPA standards for live cysts reduction? |
Reduce VOC's (volatile organic chemicals), pesticides, herbicides and industrial solvents? |
Prevents bacterial growth and multiplication on the filter cartridge? |
Provides better biological protection than RO, ultraviolet (UV) and bottled water? |
Removes natural minerals and oxygen that gives water spring-like fresh taste? |
Reduces fluoride? |
with CN-A2 selected |
Reduces chloramines? |
with CN-CP1 selected |
Softens water? |
with CN-LS selected |
Can be used on city water, well water or lake/river water? |
Can be used on sea water? |
Can be used for travel including third world countries? |
Cleanable, reusable cartridge? |
Using all natural filtration technology? |
meets NSF 42 & 53 in US, WRC in EU, ISO 9002 international certifications? |
Discontinued Aquacrock
series stoneware look gravity filter chiller in 9 patterns
and finishes. From $359.00
Fitted with 3 Doulton Imperial Supersterasyl candles these filters
provide up to 1 gallon (4 litres) an hour of safe, clean and
cold water. Energy efficient, versatile and convenient alternative
to bottled water, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet or rented bottled
water coolers.
Discontinued on Classic
Ceramic Gravity Filter. Supplied for complete use including
two 10 inch Doulton Supersterasyl self-sterilizing ceramic candles
and tap. Ideal for small office, home, camping groups, emergencies
situations etc.
Under the counter Doulton ceramic filters>> |
Tap water that's healthful and great-tasting is a rare commodity these days. It's not just the matter of taste, sediment or odor. What
you can't see, smell or taste can also affect the quality of your lifestyle. Quality drinking water is something you CAN NOT simply
take for granted.
With it's exclusive all 100% natural multi stage purification technology, Doulton turns tap, or any water for that matter, into safe, wholesome, great-tasting, healthful drinking
water, the way it was meant to be. Pure and refreshing-glass after thirst-quenching glass!